10 Secret Things You Didn't Know About monitoring backlinks

10 Secret Things You Didn’t Know About monitoring backlinks

September 28, 2023

Backlink Checker and Tracker

It’s still a great tool but I’ve switched over to SEOprofiler instead. Additionally, link monitoring also has three less obvious benefits. If you want more than that, you’ll need to subscribe. Hence, this fuels the SEO arms race. The more relevant is the external resource to your topic, the more benefit you will get from the links leading to your site. 347 5th Avenue, Suite 1402 319New York City, NY, United States, 10016. By reaching out to website owners and requesting the replacement of broken links, businesses can ensure that their backlink profile remains strong and healthy. Is it enough to take the top spot. It is a great free tool to check the backlinks of any website. Backlink monitoring to track the links pointing to your website and your competitors. It offers robust functionality, from keyword exploration to SE Ranking evaluation using unique SEO metrics.

Don't monitoring backlinks Unless You Use These 10 Tools

WordPress plugin

When setting up a site you get a list of keywords to put in the rank tracker, this makes it easy for someone who don’t have any keywords tracked for their site yet. The below screenshot gives an overview of the plans offered by SEMRush. As a result, they secured high quality backlinks from authoritative sites, leading to a significant boost in their search rankings. Tracking multiple websites at the same time. The tool offers various features, including website audits, rank tracking, keyword research, and competitor rank tracking. It shows what top headlines are currently ranking and have the most engagement on social media. They will often write about your content and include a backlink right to the source. Although it is a paid subscription service, it gives you a plethora of options, for instance, keyword search, website audit, and rank search. Serpstat charts the course, scanning the backlink cosmos to uncover hidden galaxies and chart new routes. A detailed breakdown of links and link type is very helpful for advanced optimization strategies.

Contributors and Developers

You still can check the Top 100 Backlinks, Top 5 anchors, and Top 5 pages. Similarweb is also useful to get a high level overview of your top referral sites and the top referral sites for your competitors. However, it lacks a dedicated database, which means that you need to here manually import your backlinks for link building objectives. It allows you to manage email communications via Respona and build links for your target pages. Solvid is a creative SEO, Content and Digital PR agency. You can use SEO SpyGlass’ free backlink checker, but the Pro version will give you extra features and more results.


But changes can happen on the referring domains too. You can also use it to find guest post opportunities or resource lists on sites. Daniel Urmann is the co founder of Diib. The more good backlinks that you have, the higher your credibility rises this directly translates into a higher position in search results. Our partners compensate us. Look for Low Domain Authority Link4. In conclusion, a free backlink checker tool offers more than just cost savings. Hence, this fuels the SEO arms race. It provides access to unique quality indicators. Keyword tracking is an important aspect of SEO. Here we’ll deep dive into the world of backlinks, what they are, why they matter, and how to make sure you have the right ones referral research and beyond. You’ll also get tools for disavowing harmful links and alerts for changes in existing backlinks. Thanks for this free tool. You can even take a completely free ten day trial.

Short description : Monitoring Tool

For undefined links, you will see status codes such as “server timeout,” “crawl error,” or “resolve IP. You can find out the number of links, the anchor text, and every other detail about a site’s backlink directory. You can see top metrics, like your total links and referring domains. Consider a search engine optimization tool that provides you insights into your competitor’s online presence, strategies, and performance. The biggest reason to sign up for Linkio is its outreach automation capabilities. Semrush checks virtually every box such as keyword tracking, site crawling, backlink analytics, and Application Programming Interface API access for third party integrations.

Spot Backlink Patterns With Useful, Customizable Reports

I verified allowances for the free plan—whether limited by time, number of results, metrics included, searches per day or month, or something else—and the cost to upgrade to a paid plan if needed. One of the drawbacks of free SEO tools is that you may have to give up some comfort. SEO Backlink Monitor is a WordPress plugin that lets you track your Link Building campaign. Measure the impact of incoming links on website rankings. Gain great insight from investigating where the balance between Flow Metric scores differ from the norm. Here are more features that make Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker special. This is a large tool for monitoring backlinks that serves up to 200,000 links to each report. With “Ranktracker,” all is very simple “no muss no fuss”, and all we need is in one place as and when required. Browse Categories: Advertising ▪ Analytics ▪ Communications ▪ Content ▪ e Commerce ▪ Email Marketing ▪ Featured ▪ Growth hacking ▪ Infographics ▪ Interviews ▪ Misc ▪ Mobile ▪ Monitoring ▪ Productivity ▪ Resources ▪ Sales ▪ Security ▪ SEO/SEM ▪ Social Media ▪ Statistics ▪ Testing ▪ Tutorials ▪ Web Apps in General ▪ Web Design ▪ Web Development ▪ Web hosting ▪ Sitemap. For instance, you can identify any broken or lost links, toxic or spammy backlinks, or negative SEO attacks in a timely manner and not let them harm your website’s reputation and rankings. This will help you both to keep a close eye on your competitors and to make up for their shortcomings. Imagine Sarah, a fitness guru, keen to amplify her online presence. Serpstat also shows you the search traffic of the sites. We’ll even let you know if you already deserve to rank higher for certain keywords.

Stay on top of new links

Plus, you can see where your competition is getting links so you can be neck to neck with them. Backlink Analysis and keyword research. Quench your thirst with SEMRush’s potent features. Use Brand24 to find unlinked mentions that can become your backlinks. Remember, each tool has its own strengths and is suited for different needs, so choose the ones that align with your specific goals and strategies. In general, if the trust flow is greater than the citation flow, it means the site has high quality links. Outbound Links: An inbound link is a hyperlink on a third party web page that points to a website page. These tools rapidly analyze data and predict trends, then offer suggestions to maximize your link building. Most tools from this class don’t offer a low cost entry package with full functionality. Using this information, website owners and SEO professionals can identify potentially harmful or low quality links. SEMrush and Ahrefs both use their own crawlers and data sources to gather backlinks. Promote affiliate products and make money online. Organic backlinks are voluntarily created by other users, i.

System requirements

It uses search terms to find material on the web and evaluates its performance based on social engagement, evergreen score, and backlinks. When you’re geared up to bulldoze the competition, SEMRush is the co pilot that navigates the intricate labyrinth of backlink analysis. You can integrate it with Ahrefs, Google webmaster tools GSC, and Moz. Ranktracker gives me a very detailed overview of how my websites are ranking in search engines and how those rankings change over time. These websites allow you to get links quickly, but they are usually not from the best sources. However, I am hearing good things about Semrush recently, and although I don’t have a live Semrush account, it seems that this is fast becoming a favorite with some of the SEO community. Some of the free backlink checker tools are mentioned below. This feature lets you decide whether you want to remove a link or keep it. Backlink monitoring tool referred to as a platform, used primarily to oversee all your backlinks data which are successfully explored through outreach processes, specifically designed for external link building activities. Another super focused backlink monitoring tool on this list, Linkminer is designed to analyze and track backlinks. I may expand on this in a future post and include more websites including international sites and more tests.

8 Backlink Watch

Majestic pricing starts at $49. Backlink monitoring tools can help track how many incoming links are pointing at each page on our website. In this way, they can put this to bear on with other KPIs such as sales and revenue. You can also receive penalties and may fail to improve your ranking in Google and other search engines. When you use SE Ranking, you are assured of accurate results. You can get started in Semrush by choosing the package that interests you; they also offer a free trial so you can explore the software before purchasing. Please contact us online or call 888 601 5359 to start improving your SEO today. I had not even heard about a few of them like GSA Search Engine Ranker and Ontolo. From types of links to assets they point to could spark ideas for long term strategies to build up your profile.

The Sixth Schedule Is A Good Tool

Ubersuggest’s free version can give you a good sense of what the tool can do. Rank Watch’s pricing is between £19 and £294 per month. However, the data may be exported and analyzed using other tools. Not everyone has the time for it. Digital marketing provides high quality insights for backlinking by giving precise data on what the customers demand in the contemporary world. Optimising content for search engines and users is vital to an effective SEO strategy. Which is the best tool to check backlinks. Backlinks are links leading from one website to another. Without the right tools on your side, analyzing your link profile can be time consuming, stressful, and frustrating.


Product recommendations, vendor rankings, market overview and tips on how to select SEO and SEM software for business. Add new links to your monitoring tool and make sure nobody does the same to you. The best site to check backlinks for a domain. This information will help you get an overview of the links that lead to your website. Irina Weber 9 min read. SE Ranking costs between £23 and £112 a month. In fact, we included it in the list because it can really help you get good topical backlinks by notifying you of all online mentions you’re interested in. The three top industries that use Monitor Backlinks for SEO Auditing are Digital Marketing 5, Social Media 4, Saas 3. And there’s a Google Sheets add on that can be quite handy if you typically build prospect lists in Google Sheets. Google Ads allows you to increase visibility for your website content immediately, though you’ll pay for that visibility through advertising fees. Quickly identify new link opportunities to boost client rankings. We’ll discuss which tools you can use for this purpose in a minute. Optimize Your SEO: Top 10 Backlink Monitoring Tools You Need To Know About. There’s also the anchor text chart.


You do not need technical expertise or the employment of a professional to optimize your website for search engines with this plugin used by over 3 million professionals. As an aggregate metric, organic traffic is simple to check at a glance in Google Analytics and can give you a sense of how your entire domain is performing. Backlink management consists of four, simple stages. Raven Tools advertises itself as a low cost SEO and reporting tool for busy SEO professionals and digital marketers. One of the drawbacks of free SEO tools is that you may have to give up some comfort. Hopefully this helped answer your question about the 3 types of backlinks. Ai to generate an entire Excel sheet for your business needs within seconds. This tool helps you grow traffic and monitor backlinks to your website in a simple 7 step process. We all know rank is a bit more volatile than it once was well, maybe more than a bit. I love the attractive visuals and streamlined UX that makes seeing relevant metrics quick and easily.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of SEO

The main features of these tools vary, but they all offer similar features. If you link to another website, then they have a backlink from you. Which of the above will you suggest for link building. How do I get backlinks. Backlinks are nicely displayed with useful link metrics such as nofollow, noopener, and no referrer displayed prominently. This can improve your search engine rankings and increase your website’s visibility to potential customers. Keep it up guys, great tool which i would surely recommend :”.

Create a Moz account to access Link Explorer and other free SEO tools

Google’s algorithm relies on links as the backbone of the web, of the network of relationships that determine the traffic flows and trust of various sites. Subscribe to Our Newsletter. Pricing: Starts at $119. Diib uses the power of big data to help you quickly and easily increase your traffic and rankings. Use Brand24 to find unlinked mentions that can become your backlinks. It’s a great option if you want a reporting solution to pull together metrics from other platforms like Moz and Majestic in one place. Linkody is a robust link management service.

Our Product

Review page titles and meta descriptions. Serpstat offers a lot many features at an affordable price. 31% of pages have no backlinks. All the above mentioned backlinks monitoring tools have their established reputation in the online marketing community. There are many different types of alerts. What’s more, you can also analyze all anchor texts from links that refer to your site. Navigate to ‘Competitors’ tab where you have added your competitors. What other modules use data from the backlinks monitoring tool. Unfortunately, this tool doesn’t allow you to export or save your backlink reports. It’s a full SEO software suite with features to help you with keyword research, on page optimization, and lots more. Linkody is a Dutch online tool for the analysis and management of inbound links to your website. This tool gathers its data from multiple sources.


You can only use the Search Console to check out links on your own site, but it is an important resource that offers up to date information right from the source. You can also set up email alerts to be notified if you’ve lost valuable backlinks or the pages hosting them are no longer indexed. I have compiled a list of the top backlink monitor tools that the internet has to offer this year. If it contains a search term you want Google to index the URL by, it is important that the search term stays in the anchor text. Changes may relate to the type of backlinks, for instance, dofollow / nofollow, link source text/image, UGC / Sponsored index. Our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services. You can check for plagiarism, edit the text, count the words, use a spell checker, or change the case of the text. Based on whether you’ll be monitoring competitors, how many domains you need to analyze, and whether you want to pay each month or annually, the perfect plan for you will come to the top of the list. It shows indexed/not indexed ratio through days of check outs. It also shows distinct links, and duplicates, where links are coming from, referring subnets, referring IPs, the geographical breakdown of inbound links, and links from. It can be used for analyzing websites that you own. Just reach out to the website owner and ask if they can change the 404 links to ones redirecting to your domain. One of the benefits is integration with Google and task management platforms. Stay updated when you get new links pointing to your site.

Link Building Articles

They have a variety of pricing plans available, but all of them come with a free trial. A higher ranking of your website signifies a much higher value, credibility, and usefulness of your website content. If you’re manually checking your backlinks, then it’s a good idea to use a tool like Google Search Console or Ahrefs Site Explorer. Get rid of your spammy backlinks in just a few clicks. Pitchbox is a link building and outreach platform designed for advanced link builders. With it, you can easily track the growth of a website’s backlinks over a period of time. With the power of this data, you can make informed decisions regarding every single backlink. Advanced Plan: $399/month or $333/month billed annually. Nightwatch automatically finds and tracks all backlinks leading to your website, arming you with the essential details you’ll need in order to fix the important links that got removed, before they affect your rankings. This way, you can derive an appropriate strategy to optimize your link profile.

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If you want to rank higher, having the right link building tools is critical. And also tell you what you’re doing right. As a result, your site looks less reliable which can lead to lower rankings. It’s free to use for 3 searches a day and I don’t think the information is as accurate as other products on this list. This is one of the most popular SEO tools out there. However, I can definitely say that Monitor Backlinks is pretty darn accurate and shows a lot more links than I’ve seen with other tools. By now, I’m sure you can recognize that filtering data and getting informed of changes are difficult if you do everything manually.


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